Where is Shakespeare now? This question is the brief for a new series of short books from Continuum, an enterprising publisher trying to break down the border between academic literary criticism and books for the thoughtful general reader.
He has also mentioned the series in his RSC Complete Works blog - highlighting in particular Amy Scott-Davis's book on Shakespeare Inside while Phil Davis's book is recommended as 'a brief and brilliant study of the interplay of thought and language' in the language section of the Reading Room on the website. Also included are series editor Simon Palfrey's 'ingenious and playful' book, Doing Shakespeare (Arden), and Norman Blake's Shakespeare's Non-Standard English (Continuum).
This follows early reviews of the research by Phil Davis on Shakespeare and the brain for his book, Shakespeare Thinking, in The Telegraph, on Radio4's Material World, The Guardian, and The Times. For a quick picture of the bard in the brain - see the BSA's research pages.